Title: I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month - Here's What Happened

I recently decided to take a little break from a certain activity that I usually enjoy. It's been a whole month of giving myself some space and focusing on other things. I've found that this break has given me a fresh perspective and a renewed sense of energy. If you're curious about my experience, check out this comparison between two popular apps: BareApp vs Her.


When it comes to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship, intimacy is often a key component. For many couples, this includes sexual acts such as oral sex. However, what happens when one partner decides to take a break from this particular activity? I recently decided to stop giving my husband blow jobs for a month to see how it would impact our relationship. Here's what happened.

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The Decision

After years of being together, I found myself feeling a bit resentful about always being the one to initiate oral sex. I began to feel like my efforts were not being reciprocated, and it was starting to affect my desire to be intimate with my husband. I decided to take a stand and let him know that I would be taking a break from performing oral sex for a month.

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The Initial Reaction

When I first told my husband about my decision, he was surprised and a bit confused. He asked me why I had made this choice, and I explained my feelings to him. At first, he was a bit resistant and tried to convince me to change my mind. However, I stood my ground and explained that I needed this break to feel more appreciated and desired in our relationship.

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The Impact

Taking a break from giving blow jobs certainly had an impact on our relationship. Without this form of intimacy, we had to explore other ways to connect and satisfy each other's needs. We spent more time focusing on sensual massages, cuddling, and trying out new sexual positions. It forced us to communicate more openly about our desires and preferences, which ultimately brought us closer together.


As the month went on, I noticed a shift in our relationship. My husband began to show more appreciation for the other things I was doing for him, and he started to put in more effort to make me feel desired. We also found new ways to be intimate without relying solely on oral sex. Our connection deepened, and we felt more in tune with each other's needs and desires.

The Resolution

After the month was over, my husband and I had a candid conversation about the experience. We both acknowledged that taking a break from blow jobs had been a positive thing for our relationship. It allowed us to rediscover each other in new ways and strengthened our bond. Moving forward, we agreed to be more conscious of balancing our sexual activities and making sure both of our needs are being met.


Taking a break from giving blow jobs for a month was a bold move, but it ultimately had a positive impact on my relationship with my husband. It forced us to explore new ways of connecting and communicating, and it brought us closer together. While oral sex is an important aspect of intimacy for many couples, it's important to remember that there are many other ways to connect and satisfy each other's needs.